Age: 23 / Ethnicity: Chinese / Gender: M / DOB: Jul. 29
Foxglove town has a vibrant nightlife, curious figures stalking from bar to bar. Flashy, flirtatious and sly, End lives his days seeking the most fun he can, whether he finds it trifling with shady figures or picking up girls downtown.
The most raucous of his party stories, however, all lead back to one single outlandish claim: he's a time traveler. With infinite time on his hands and no repercussions for vice, the world's his stage to do what he pleases. Petty crime, thievery and public nuisance are second nature to a man like him.
Even so, endless time blurs into apathy. With every shot he downs, onlookers wonder if he's running away from something bigger than tomorrow's hangover.
Foxglove town has a vibrant nightlife, curious figures stalking from bar to bar. Flashy, flirtatious and sly, End lives his days seeking the most fun he can, whether he finds it trifling with shady figures or picking up girls downtown.
The most raucous of his party stories, however, all lead back to one single outlandish claim: he's a time traveler. With infinite time on his hands and no repercussions for vice, the world's his stage to do what he pleases. Petty crime, thievery and public nuisance are second nature to a man like him.
Even so, endless time blurs into apathy. With every shot he downs, onlookers wonder if he's running away from something bigger than tomorrow's hangover.

Other Factoids
- Prefers strong alcohol. "No fruity shit. If I want to get plastered, it better be quick."
- Incredibly talkative. Some call him charismatic, others want to punt him across a football field.
- On a mission to flirt with and/or annoy everyone he comes into contact with
- Likes jazz & playing piano
- Hellishly disorganized but makes it work, albiet barely
- Prefers strong alcohol. "No fruity shit. If I want to get plastered, it better be quick."
- Incredibly talkative. Some call him charismatic, others want to punt him across a football field.
- On a mission to flirt with and/or annoy everyone he comes into contact with
- Likes jazz & playing piano
- Hellishly disorganized but makes it work, albiet barely