That being said...
Machine Girl has been my favorite band for a while. Ever since their music first entered my mind palace, I’ve been a changed man. Tried and true MachineGirlCel over here. Real MachineGirlHead. Much of their music is high-energy, very auditorily crowded with scream vocals and punchy drums. One thing about Machine Girl is that even as their melodies can seem scatterbrained and change quickly, the rhythm thrums through. It’s merciless and you just have to hold onto the side of the car for dear life as your legs get reduced to shit on the asphalt in a bloody trail at 120MPH. It’s neck-breaking, spine-breaking, getting your ass eaten in the fourth dimension-ing, but that’s the beauty of it all!I'll present to you a few of my favorite albums from their discography.
U-Void Synthesizer
U-Void Synthesizer has to be my favorite album of all time by Machine Girl-- I’d dare to say that it’s basically my favorite album of all time. Something about it is more grimy and gore-splattered than the other albums. If I had to summarize its sound through words, I’d say it sounds a lot like if you took a low-poly FPS game level where you’re in hell and fighting cerberus with a laser gun, put it in a blender, photographed the grody remains, and transposed that photo into sound form.
Here are my favorite songs off of the album...
- All of them. Not a single bad song in here. But...
- ▶ Batsu Forever - My favorite MG song of all time. It’s seriously so good. The first phase of it is more slow and droning. Images of swarms of war robots marching toward their doom come to mind. SILENT FORCES PSYCHIC WARFARE. Shortly after, you think the song has ended, but no… That’s just the beginning. The song picks up and the drums kick faster. Oh, the bloodshed! The pure violence of sound! If a song could kill me, it’s this one. MURDER, TAILSPIN! MY DREAMS ARE FULL OF SHIT!
- ▶ Scroll Of Sorrow - I like this one a lot because its melody reminds me of old browsers somehow. It’s as if they directly sampled the sounds of a computer dinging and whirring and dying as malware forces a hundred windows of internet explorer to manifest, at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen. I also like Devil Speak for this same reason. FAKE IT ONLINE! MAKE IT OFFLINE!
- ▶ Fortress Destroyer - I feel like this one is underrated. It really grew on me. Great to do homework to. In the audio realm, it sounds like the deformed twin that The Fortress (The Blood Inside…) ate in the womb. I actually feel like I’m descending into the 9th circle here. It’s all about destroying regimes and It’s awesome.
…Because I’m Young Arrogant and Hate Everything You Stand For
This used to be my favorite album before U-Void Synthesizer seized first place. Imagine being 15 and listening to this for the first time. This album made me infinitely more annoying. It’s still wormed its way into my cranium though and permanently altered my chemistry by eating a maze in the shape of a kawaii rabid bloodthirsty catgirl into my decision-making lobe, so…
Here are my favorite songs off of the album...
- ▶ Mchngrl vs Wlfgr - Absolute CRAZY fucking song. I really like the segments of brute-force interspersed by the sections that feel like music from an 8-bit spaceship steering minigame. I CAN FEEL IT IN MY HEAD! I CAN FEEL IT IN MY HEAD!
- ▶ Because I’m Young Arrogant and Hate Everything You Stand For - I have an outstanding memory of me going “Oh, I love this song!” in the car as it came on during a random shuffle, forcing my friends to sit through the entire thing in all its ear-splitting glory. It doesn’t sound like it’d be that harsh until it is… really creeps up on you. Jesus. I EXIST IN THE SLUDGE BETWEEN FICTION AND FACT!
- ▶ Fuck Up Your Face - Completely infectious catchy song. This is one of the songs that I remember listening to in the earlier days. In art class, in my mom’s room, dancing to this song. This is kind of like my teen coming-of-age-movie soundtrack except instead of me mustering up the balls to go swap spit with some dude I’m killing neighborhood dogs with my bare teeth instead. Maybe you guys should watch Ginger Snaps.
The Ugly Art
The Ugly Art has some really good loops. When I listen to it, I get the feeling that I’m lying in bed with a mean fever and sweating like hell and basically just fucking rotting away (but in a good way.) Like I’ve got some sort of dog-borne disease. It’s grating in an incredibly infectious way. The tones in this album are dark and punchy, really polarizing, and almost kind of hollow-sounding. As if they were playing all of this shit through a long metal tube and into the microphone.
Here are my favorite songs off of the album...
- ▶ Congratulations - This song is laced with something. The main loop is some corrupted digital villain shit. It’s like evil character selection screen music. The lyrics always described something achingly familiar in particular: Burnout as a creative person (at least, I interpret it this way.)
- ▶ This Is Your Face On Dogs - An iconic first song on this album. It seriously sets the tone for the rest of the songs. I always liked how it started off sort of quiet and unassuming and then descended into hell world. The only way I could possibly describe it is similar to what the album cover depicts, a slurry of dog meat synthesized through the power of artificial intelligence to create horrors beyond mans’ imagination. Ruff Ruff!
- ▶ Full Metal Dipshit - I love this song on its own, but the ending monologue is what makes it stand out to me. It’s sampled from the 1998 anime Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040. It goes like: Why do I exist? It was my purpose to replace humans, whose inability to coexist in peace is their evolutionary flaw? Or was my destiny to serve as the progenitor of a subservient race? I do not know. I did not ask to be born.
Well, that just about sums it up. I guess it’s just a beautiful whirlwind of nostalgia, late 90’s influence, and loud noise that make Machine Girl as interesting as it is to me. It's versatile stuff-- I find myself coming back to listen to it all the time. If I were to give you a few suggestions, I’d say it’s music to do linear algebra to (vectors become easier, ) it’s music to crash your car to, it’s music to sexually sacrifice yourself to your cannibalistic lover to, it’s also music to eat a nice treat to. Don’t sleep on the delicious treats, everyone. And don’t sleep on Machine Girl.