Main Page
﹂About Me
﹂Foxglove Town
﹂My Projects
Main Page
﹂About Me

﹂Foxglove Town
﹂My Projects

I'm Dizzy. I wanted to construct a house for myself on the world wide web. My goal is to document my expeditions into art and coding here.
Desktop is optimal for viewing but I cannot stop you if you're using mobile. Please enable autoplay, as there is music on some pages, and feel free to browse and click around aimlessly. It's a bit like the winchester mystery house.

About Me
Look at my case analysis file. Psychoanalyze me.
Foxglove Town
Section for my bizarre fictional world. It includes character data and some other fun stuff.
WARNING: Contains dark themes and sometimes religious themes.
My Projects
Place for my bigger ongoing and completed projects.
Miscallaneous Fun
Other things I don't know where to put. A good time nevertheless.
Look at my case analysis file. Psychoanalyze me.
Foxglove Town
Section for my bizarre fictional world. It includes character data and some other fun stuff.
WARNING: Contains dark themes and sometimes religious themes.
My Projects
Place for my bigger ongoing and completed projects.
Miscallaneous Fun
Other things I don't know where to put. A good time nevertheless.

My fellow friends on this website...

Some other websites I really like.
Yvettes Bridal Formal - Normal wedding clothes website.
Mouchette - Early experimental web art. Cool use of the medium.
Terminal 00 - Strange fantasy stuff.
17776 Football - I can't even explain this one. Just see for yourself.
Lucky-Ch - Old lucky star website. I obviously took some inspiration from it.
Nirakul Archives - Explore the archives.
Emily Carroll Art & Comics - Comics that are inspiring to me personally.
Surfaces - Gallery of interesting work.
Make Frontent Shit Again - PREACH IT!
Time Cube - The only logic I trust.
Computer Fine Arts - Gallery of art within webpages. Worth a look.